L'Artigiana: Company profile

L'Artigiana was born in 1959, founded by the Marnati family

Initially the company was based on an handicraft production of plastic rainprooves, few year later turned to a company for the output of plastic packages, revolving little by little to a more and more wide clientele, with a wide range of products as a consequence, adapting to times and to a market in continuous ferment.

The growning of the company followed the improvement of technology: this means continuous investements to update our machinery in order to achieve the best quality as possible for our production.

This way allows us to cure our articles in every step of the production , starting from substance to the finished product, thanks to the use of very advanced machinery.




High quality products that meet specific needs

Our intention is simply to continue to this direction looking for your needs in terms of product and service. The variety of the article we produce is the strength of our company, specialized in the production of plastic packages such as:

  • Polyethylene rolls
  • Buste In Polietilene
  • Polyethylene bags
  • Clothes covers
  • Industrial bags
  • Recycled plastic products

Our company manteins otherwise an handicraft syle in working, that allows us to find out specific solutions for particular needs of our customers, articulated in a very large kinds of marketing sectors.